How to Save a Knocked-Out Tooth

Got a knocked-out tooth? We’re sorry to hear that. We know how uncomfortable and painful that must feel. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to save that tooth if you act fast.

If your tooth was knocked out, here’s what you should know:

First Aid for a Knocked-Out Tooth.

A tooth that comes out prematurely can be painful and messy. If it’s a baby tooth that’s been knocked out, use gauze on the gum and socket for a few minutes to put a stop to the bleeding. You can also use gauze on the same area for adult teeth. While you’re taking care of the bleeding, track down your tooth so that you can safely reinsert it into the socket.

What to Do With the Tooth.

Hold the tooth’s crown (avoiding the root). Then, wipe off any debris that might be on your tooth, or run it under some water, and place the tooth in the socket. Once it’s in the socket, we recommend closing your mouth or biting down on the tooth to secure it.

You can also put the tooth in the middle of your cheek and gums inside your mouth if you are on your way to the dentist. It’s important to keep the knocked-out tooth in milk or saliva to keep it wet.

For young children, have them spit a little into a cup, and store the tooth in there for safekeeping. That will lower their chance of choking on the tooth.

Call an emergency dentist.

A knocked-out tooth is a dental emergency. You typically have less than an hour to react before the tooth is unsalvageable. West Richland Family Dental offers same-day and emergency dental services, helping you get treatment fast.

Call us at (509) 967-3421 to schedule a time to come in. We can assist with tooth splinting (temporary attachment to the other friendly neighborhood teeth) and injuries that may have been done to the mouth or teeth.

When you call us, let us know how the injury happened and any pertinent details so that we can advise you on any additional steps to take to save your tooth. If, for example, it feels like part of your tooth is still in the socket, we can explain what to do while you’re on the way to the dentist. (Essentially, you will not want to put the tooth back in the socket if you only have a portion of it, but you will still want to keep it wet in milk or saliva.)

What to Do After Tooth Repair.

Once your tooth has been repaired, you may need to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist to make sure the tooth is reattached successfully. If this has been confirmed, you can continue seeing the dentist once every six months per your usual schedule.

In addition, you might consider getting a mouthguard to prevent any more teeth from getting knocked out in the future. Mouthguards are great for athletes of all ages. They keep your teeth safe and help you avoid injury while out on the court and field.


If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, especially a knocked-out tooth, it’s important to see a dentist right away. You can reattach a tooth if you act quickly, clean your tooth in water or milk (never touching the root), and reapply it into the socket. A dentist can ensure that the tooth stays in for good.Need to see an emergency dentist right away? West Richland Family Dental is here for you. Call our office today at (509) 967-3421 to schedule an appointment.

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