Porcelain vs. Composite Veneers: What’s the Difference?

There is a saying that “you are only as happy as your smile.” A good smile makes you look confident and happy, which in turn will affect your confidence levels. When you have a beautiful smile, you feel great about yourself, and that confidence radiates outwards through all aspects of your life.A smile is an important feature that we have as human beings. It’s like our face’s sign board that says, “I have emotions.” And if you don’t have a pleasing smile, you’re missing out on that message. 

Veneers are a great way for you to get the smile of your dreams. Two of the most common types of veneers are composite and porcelain.

What Are Composite Veneers?

Composite veneers are thin shells of porcelain bonded to your teeth and gums. They are made from a special type of resin that has been hardened through thermal bonding. This resin is then placed onto the front surface of each tooth, where it adheres to the tooth and produces a smooth, white surface. 

What Steps Are Involved in a Composite Veneer Procedure?

The procedure involves removing the natural tooth and bonding small pieces of porcelain resin. These pieces are then colored, shaped, and polished to fit well with your other teeth.

The steps involved in a composite veneer procedure are:

  1. A dentist will make a mold of your teeth, which is then sent to a laboratory for resin casting.
  2. The lab will fill the cast with resin and place it over your teeth.
  3. The lab will then polish the resin to be smooth and shiny and give it a protective coating to prevent chipping or cracking.
  4. Your dentist will extract the temporary crowns and apply them to your teeth, matching them perfectly with the existing enamel on your crowns or veneers. 
  5. Your dentist will then apply another protective coating over the new porcelain veneers or crowns, protecting them from further chipping or breaking off when you eat or brush your teeth with toothpaste.

Composite veneers are often used in cases where there are small chips in a person’s teeth due to trauma or decay. You can also use them to cover gaps between teeth, discolored spots on your teeth, or even crooked teeth.

In some instances, composite veneers can be used as an alternative to dentures if they are more appealing than acrylic dentures or full smiles. Composite veneers require minimal preparation before placing them on your teeth: you’ll need to visit our clinic to schedule your cleaning. You’ll be given anesthetic numbing drops before putting on your temporary caps. 

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

These are made from hard, translucent plastic material that bonds to the front of your teeth, creating a new and improved smile, and are the most common. The procedure is done in two steps: First, the dentist will remove some of your tooth’s enamel. Then they will place porcelain veneers over the exposed portion of your teeth.

The goal of porcelain veneers is to improve your smile by restoring the appearance of your teeth and improving their size and shape. It is a relatively simple procedure that only takes about 30 minutes but may require multiple follow-ups.

The Procedure for Getting Porcelain Veneers

The first step when getting porcelain veneers is deciding which ones best suit you. It would be best to consider how bright or dark you want them to be and what color matches best with other parts of your mouth or outfit. For added effect, you may also want some or all of them to have a decorative design, such as swirls or dots.

Once you have decided which look is best for you, it’s time for the dentist to remove some of your tooth’s enamel so that he can place a thin layer of porcelain on top of the tooth you want to change. Then, you can choose from various designs—from simple white-stripe designs to more complex ones. The porcelain will be bonded to your tooth using a solid and durable adhesive, so it won’t come off quickly over time.

Composite Veneers vs. Porcelain Veneers

Many people wonder which one is better — composite or porcelain veneers? The answer is that both types of veneers are great for different reasons, but each has its advantages and disadvantages. There is a lot of debate in the world of veneers. Many dentists believe that both veneers are the best option for those looking to improve their smile.


The cost of composite veneers is generally less than other dental procedures. Porcelain veneers are costly, depending on how much work needs to be done. It also requires more visits and removal of tooth structure before placement.


You may not get perfect teeth by using composite veneers, but it will help improve your smile and make you look younger than your age. Porcelain veneers can help lighten up your teeth by covering any dark spots or stains on your teeth. They also help whiten the color of your smile, which is what most people look for when they go to the dentist.


If you are looking for a long-lasting solution, composite veneers are the way forward. Depending on the manufacturer, they will last for 7-10 years or more. Porcelain veneers are an excellent option for patients who want to maintain their beautiful smiles. They can last for 10+ years and are resistant to stains, discoloration, and cracking.

Final Thoughts

Composite veneers are an excellent choice for people who want a more attractive smile but don’t want to undergo extensive tooth extraction or reconstruction. You can also use them during restorative dental procedures like crowns and bridges or as protective covers over existing crowns or bridges.

Porcelain veneers are usually the best choice for patients with tiny, narrow, or crooked teeth because they offer greater aesthetic appeal than other materials such as amalgam or gold crowns. They may require a couple of visits to get them just right, but most people who have porcelain veneers find them to be highly durable and long-lasting.

Contact us today to learn more about veneers! Our team is here to help ensure you have everything you need to attain the smile of your dreams!

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